Before People Arrive
Prior to the first in-person service, a form with screening questions will be mailed/emailed to members of the congregation.
This same form will be posted on the outside of the building as a final reminder before entering. Anyone who answers “yes” to a question will be asked to return home with a recommendation to call his/her doctor.
Signs will be posted inside and outside reminding persons to maintain adequate social distancing.
Prior to each service, frequent touch points and bathrooms will be sanitized.
Sanitizer spray will be provided at the entrance, restrooms, and sanctuary entrance.
Entering the Building
ALL persons will enter via the door under the portico or the ramp door.
Doors will remain open to allow fresh airflow and to reduce surface touching.
Everyone entering the building will be REQUIRED to wear a face covering (mask or shield)
(Extra masks will be available for those without one.)
Everyone will be asked to use the sanitizer spray made available.
Everyone’s temperature will be checked at the entryway.
The names of members will be checked off and names of guests will be recorded.
Entering Sanctuary
Ushers will remind worshipers of the need for social distancing.
Hand sanitizer will be available at the sanctuary entrance for anyone who may have touched anything on the way in.
Entrances on both sides of the chancel will be used for entry.
The pews will be marked indicating where worshipers may and may not sit. A seating chart will be kept of where persons sit during the service.
Worship Service
Services will be kept shorter so as to minimize the time in an enclosed space
There will be NO congregational singing. An alternative is humming.
Passing the Peace will be virtual (ie. Waves, Air Hugs). No movement or touching.
Clear plexiglass will be installed on a speaker’s stand.
The pastor and liturgist will be the only persons allowed to remove their masks.
Leaving the Building
Worshipers will be asked to take bulletins and trash with them. Trash receptacles will be provided at the exits.
Worshipers are discouraged from wandering through the building to reduce the amount of additional cleaning needed. (painter’s tape will be placed so as to discourage the use of stairwells and the elevator.)
Worshipers will exit the building through the same doors they entered.
After Everyone Has Departed
The bathrooms and hallway surfaces will be cleaned on Monday or Tuesday of each week.
The sanctuary will receive its regular weekly cleaning.
Additional Notes:
Children will remain with their parents. Neither a nursery nor children’s worship will be provided.
If a worshiper becomes symptomatic during the service, he/she will be asked to leave the facility immediately.
Should a medical emergency arise, a 911 call will be made so that emergency responders can intervene.
If an attendee develops COVID-19 symptoms within 14 days after the service, please notify the church office so others within the congregation can be notified. The identity of the individual who developed symptoms will not be disclosed to others who attended.