
In our endeavor to praise God and to receive spiritual nourishment, we gather each Sunday for a worship service devoted to prayer, music and the interpretation of scripture. Our music program features a full range of sacred music offered by an adult choir, chime choir and an incredibly talented organist. In addition to inviting church members to help lead each week’s service, our pastor encourages members of the congregation to share their creative gifts and talents on a regular basis.

In our tradition, the Sacrament of Baptism is typically conferred upon infants as an outward sign of God’s love and grace for everyone, whether they are consciously aware of that grace or not. Some parents, however, choose not to have their children baptized, but allow the child to make that decision for him/herself at a later time.

Whenever the Sacrament of Holy Communion is celebrated (typically every other month), everyone present is invited to share in this sacred meal. Believing that children learn through participation, they are included in this invitation as well. This is left to the discretion of the parents.