Good Shepherd Community Kitchen
When the Good Shepherd Kitchen closes in observance of Memorial Day and Labor Day each year, members of FRUCC come together to prepare and serve lunch for those in need.
Meals on Wheels
Volunteers are needed once every four weeks to help deliver a hot noon-time meal to homebound persons in our county. It takes about an hour to deliver meals to the different participants.
Our congregation also helps deliver meals for MOWS on the day of Christmas Eve. Each carrier receives 3-4 meals to deliver, requiring less than an hour of your time.

Hometown Missions
Since 2017, members of First Reformed UCC have led a project each summer to conduct light housecleaning, yard work, and simple house repairs for clients of Meals on Wheels. Most years, there has been another church invited to work with us. Work teams are assigned on Friday evening when the two congregations celebrate a kick-off dinner. Teams then complete their assignments on Saturday. And then, on Sunday, the two congregations worship together in one of their two sanctuaries.
This year’s project is set for April 29!
Crop Walk
In cooperation with Church World Service, the Alamance County CROP Walk is held on the first Saturday of October. Congregations and agencies throughout our community come together to walk a 6.2-mile course to raise money for hunger relief efforts. Of the funds raised, 25% remains in our county, and 75% supports national and global ministries.

The Willows
Through a $3 million grant that our congregation received from HUD, we are helping provide low-cost housing for 40 elderly persons with limited income. Located on property that the church once used as a ball field, the building is an impressive structure.
A management company (currently United Church Homes) is responsible for the facility’s day-to-day operation, and a board of directors provides general supervision and oversight.
Outreach to residents of The Willows has been provided in various shapes and forms. Some of our women’s circles have held special parties, our youth and children occasionally make gifts and deliver them, and meals are delivered on Memorial Day and Labor Day.
For a tour of the facility or more information on how someone might qualify for acceptance, contact the on-site manager at 336-228-0597.