Welcome to FRUCC !
If you’re checking out our congregation and its ministries for the first time, we offer you a special greeting! We hope that the information found within this website will help answer any questions you may have and will encourage you to participate in a worship service, enrichment opportunity, or fellowship event.
Connect with our staff by email or by leaving a voicemail on the church’s answering machine (336-226-7346). Contact information can be found under the “Who We Are” menu above. If you or someone you know would appreciate prayers or a special call during this time, let us know by filling out the Contact Form found on the Contact Us page.
We hope you’ll visit First Reformed United Church of Christ and introduce yourself while you’re here!

1. Welcoming all persons with a warmth and hospitality that will help them realize that God loves them beyond imagination and that they are of extreme value.
2. Gathering in moments of worship and celebration characterized by authenticity, vitality, and creativity – where one may experience and share the life-changing presence of God in a multitude of ways.
3. Offering a variety of opportunities for spiritual growth, faith development, and supportive fellowship.
4. Helping persons to explore and develop their own individual gifts for ministry and inviting them to share generously of their time, talents, and resources.
5. Engaging in acts of service and love that will express the compassion, mercy, and justice of Christ in the world.

Weekly services are held at 11:00 a.m. If you are unable to join us in person, consider participating in real time via Facebook Livestream. Or, if you find yourself away from your computer or smartphone at that time, you can access a recording of the service below.