First Reformed News
Adult Sunday School Class Begins New Series on September 13
We love stories. That’s why we go to movies, read books, and listen to friends recount an experience. That’s also why teachers use the technique of storytelling to make a difficult concept easier for us to process. Jesus told stories, or parables, for that very...
Racial Equity: A Call to Action
A journey devoted to better understanding systemic racism and injustice and how we can personally and collectively move toward equity and healing in our nation. Plans: Members are invited to learn more about systemic racism and injustice by choosing to watch,...
This Just In
We didn't get a chance to capture a photo of the fire truck and cars that made up today's parade in front of The Willows, but click the link and watch the video of the residents set up outside the building. Happy 22nd Anniversary to The Willows! [video width="720"...
Announcements for this week
We’re sorry to announce that the Summer Day Camp has been CANCELLED out of concern for the health of children and staff. We are, however, we are sending Camp in a Box from AGAPE to each camper, and to children connected to our church.